Susan Polgar, the queen of chess. Her case was very helpful to society because it lets us discover two things; genius can be made and that women are capable of doing things just as men are. Her father was capable of proving that women have also the intelligence to beat men when playing chess. He proved this by teaching her daughter techniques since she was a toddler; in such way that when she grew she would know multiple plays. This proves that her parents intervened in her genius because it was created. In the video they show us that men have a thicker cortex that helps them to have a spatial awareness, unlike women that their cortex colossal is thicker in their left side of the brain (this one lets them to solve the maze with directions). In the video they also recall the grandiose memory abilities of the waiter Vincente Santio. His memory works in the method of chunking in which he separates the parts little by little to remember from memory the orders he takes. Another case that is mentioned in the video is of Mary Ann Sieghart who suffers of face blindness. Mary finds difficult to recall a person that she sees daily because of her disease, but she does well in her editing.
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