It is incredible what people born with a genius can do. In the video they use as an example a child named Marc Yu that was born with an incredible ability to play the piano. This contributes with the theory that genius is born with because he just simply knew it when he was born. Fortunately, for Marc Yu his mom also pushes him to the best because she wants him to develop as best as possible. Even though Marc is just 8 years old he is studying with his mom subjects that an average kid would learn at the age of 14. As a musician Marc is able to read, feel, and hear music all at the same time. This is due to the cerebellum of Marc; every musician will have a better cerebellum than normal people because the cerebellum helps to speed up communication to play better. The video also recalls a case of a girl named Genie that was kept in a room for 13 years without being able to socialize, talk or to do any other thing. This exceptional case taught science that the brain uses a theory in which if you stop using a part of your brain you will lose it, better known as use it or lose it. Genie's case support the idea that genius is created because like she was never taught anything, then she couldn't walk, talk and lots of activities. Scientists have also proven that early education can help a kid's IQ later on. Is there a gene of genius? Hopefully scientists will be able to have an accurate answer of this question in an early future, but until now they cannot conclude anything.
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