It is incredible the way in which narcolepsy could affect your life in a very negative way. Narcolepsy is a type of disorder in which you could fall asleep randomly for a short period of time at any moment. In the video we watched at school, they clearly show us the way in which narcolepsy affects a human being. Imagine if you would fall asleep while walking besides a bridge or while during a science experiment. This could cause an atrocious scene in which you could die or most probably finish injured if you don’t follow any safety precautions. Mohammad is apparently passed some bad experiences therefore he has his own safety precautions. When washing in the kitchen he uses a kind of helmet that would lessen any type of head injury. There is always someone besides him when visiting other places because Mohammad can never predict where he will fall asleep. Even though he took all this safety precautions he cannot avoid falling asleep at any moment. He can fall asleep for about sixty times a day. In some cases his body just paralyzes but he knows what is occurring around him. In my opinion I wouldn’t like to have narcolepsy because you lose allot of time falling asleep and you are very prone to any injury at every moment.
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