The experiment that was held on sensory deprivation revealed the reactions of people's brain after taking stimuli out of their life for two days. Before the experiment took place, scientists tested the abilities of the brain of each person that was going to take the experiment. After watching there brain performance my thoughts were that they would do horrible in their brain performances after the experiment took over. During the experiment you could notice that people lost the track of time pretty fast and each of them had their own method of treating this thrilling experience. One of the woman completely lost control in just a couple of hours and was horrified throughout the hole experiment. The other woman managed to control be just sleeping throughout the entire experiment. Just like the first woman, one of the men lost their control and started to make chaos in the room. The other man managed to take over the experiment by meditating and singing. Everyone showed their unique way of reaction towards sensory depravation but after the experiment ended and they had to take again the brain test, astonishingly men did awful in the test while the women did much better than them. They found hardly difficult to answer most of the questions, but after all they were all glad when they finally got outside and saw the natural world. In conclusion, sensory deprivation could harm your brain in many ways to make you think things that don't exist and people should not use this to harm anyone.
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